We deliver specialized coaching and workshops for the underrepresented young professionals in your school, company, or organization, with a focus on women and/or Black, Indigenous + People of Color (BIPOC).
Our Background
Based in Washington, DC, Paradigm One is a career consulting company that helps diverse young professionals map and fast-track their career through powerful personal presence and positive relationships.
With a focus in etiquette and soft skills, our goal is to empower young leaders to feel visible and valued in their roles and organizations, while proactively positioning themselves for the next level in their career.
Toni has worked for Goldman Sachs, Booz Allen Hamilton, the George Washington School of Business, and Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT). She has 15+ years of experience in career coaching, workshop facilitation, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion recruiting, consulting, and career development program planning + execution for Fortune Companies.
Executive Assistant
Business Project Manager